Imposter syndrome is real – here’s how to deal with it

Imposter Syndrome is the experience of feeling like you are a fraud and undeserving of your position or title. People who suffer from imposter syndrome feel as though they could be found out as a phoney at any point.

Imposter syndrome can manifest in different ways. Some people may feel as though asking for help means they are a failure, and will endeavour to complete projects or tasks on their own. Others may feel the need to learn everything about a certain topic before starting a project in that area. They may also consider having to ask a question a failure.

Other traits of imposter syndrome include:

  • Self doubt
  • Extreme self criticism about your performance
  • Inability to own your success
  • Inability to recognise your skills or competence
  • Self sabotage
  • Pushing yourself to the limit to be successful in all areas of your life
  • Viewing struggling or working hard to achieve something as a failure

How can you deal with imposter syndrome?

It is normal to experience moments of doubt, but that doubt shouldn’t hold you back or control your decisions or actions. It’s important to remember that people who do not experience imposter syndrome are not any more capable or intelligent.

You can begin to reframe your thoughts and train yourself to view things in a different, more positive light. So if you find yourself thinking your success was a fluke, instead remind yourself of the energy, time and work you put in to achieving that success.

Here are some other things that can help:

  • Recognise your imposter syndrome for what it is and know you are not alone. It can help to confide in someone you trust
  • View mistakes as learning opportunities. Everyone makes mistakes and it does not mean you are a failure. Instead, understand why it happened and use that learning to guide you in the future
  • Create a win list that documents all of your successes, even the smaller ones, to document why you are deserving of your role
  • Learn to value your own praise instead of seeking validation from others
  • Understand that you have the same right as everyone else to be wrong sometimes, or ask for assistance


We had so much fun sorting out any imposter syndrome that wasn’t allowing Sheetal to think big and see what she is truly capable of.

Sheetal kicked imposter syndrome to the kerb and owned the stage as an inspirational confident wahine leader. It was such a joy to watch you shine Sheetal. I will always believe in you – wahine toa.

“Mel is amazing; it was an absolute honour to work with her and learn some amazing leadership skills. I was always reminded of what I want to become and where to from now.

She has always boost my self-confidence and assisted me with speaking in training, group activities and similar exercises which has helped me to become confident in myself and my opinions, even when I’m faced with opposition. Thank you Mel, you are a leader that knows the way, goes the way and shows the way! ”


Are you wondering if coaching is the right leadership development tool for you? Check out the benefits below and let’s chat

What can be gained through a coaching partnership:

  • Discovering and maximising your talents and strengths
  • Building self awareness and confidence
  • Addressing challenges in your job
  • Ongoing learning and development
  • Becoming more purposeful about your career and leadership brand
  • AND helping you realise that leader within

Ngā mihi nui


Mel Beirne
Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu (with feathers a bird can fly)

Empathy | Responsibility | Achiever | Activator | Arranger | Futuristic| Maximiser| Positivity| Individualisation | Relator